
What the eyes SEE but we often DON'T!!!

The world is indeed a beautiful and magical place.  There is beauty all around us and in EVERYTHING we choose to see it in!!!...  We just have to abandon all judgment and SEE!!!

Obstinate Life!


Walk in my shoes!

Beauty in chaos!

The day I saw you!

I have chosen not to remember!

Just as stubborn and with the same tenacity as the elements corroding it, it still holds together...

Only if this door could tell the stories of all the people who have passed through it...

Locked memories...

It is only when the layers peel off that one can see the true beauty that lies beneath...

There is strength in defeat...

Fearful...  Retracting...  As though it never wants to be opened again...

Just as the clock that stopped ticking long ago, time has come to a standstill in this part of town...

Ever thought of "decay" as "beautiful"?